- 10.10.2022 - 12:00
Die Beiträge können hier eingesehen werden:
Thoilliez, Bianca; Biesta, Gert; Siegel, Stefan T. (2022, August): The Theory Question in Education: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. Symposium organized at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2022 “Education in a Changing World: The impact of global realities on the prospects and experiences of educational research”, Yerevan, Armenia. Presenters: S.T. Siegel; B. Thoilliez; S. Oliviero; G. Biesta. Discussant: Herner Saeverot.
Siegel, Stefan T.; Matthes, Eva; Biesta, Gert (2022, September): Rediscovering Education’s Relative Autonomy: Reflections on the Discipline’s Past, Present, and Future. Talk at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER Plus) 2022, Yerevan, Armenia
Siegel, Stefan T.; Matthes, Eva; Biesta, Gert (2022, September): Rediscovering Education’s Relative Autonomy: Reflections on the Discipline’s Past, Present, and Future. Talk at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) 2022 at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Siegel, Stefan T.; Hensch, Ines (2022, September): Qualitätskriterien für Lehrvideos: Ein systematisches Review. Espresso-Paper bei der dghd 2022 Jahrestagung „Transformationen. Perspektiven auf eine postdigitale Hochschullehre“ an der Universität Paderborn.