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Lehren und Lernen in Ökosystemen» – Vortrag von Bernadette Dilger am Tag der Lehre 2023

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Professioneller durch Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Keynote ICM & beyond 2023

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Mitorganisierte Tagungen

Joint EARLI SIG 2&4 Conference 2024: Navigating the Changing Landscape: Embracing Innovation and Evidence in Higher Education.

The Joint Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 4 (Higher Education) and 17 (Methods in Learning Research). 25th-27th September 2024, La Vie, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Dr. Stefan T. Siegel, EARLI SIG 4, Organizing Committee.

Higher Education - EARLI 2024

Joint EARLI SIG 1&4 Conference 2022: Exploring research synergies to learn from each other.

International conference with 235 participants from 32 countries. 27th-30th June 2022; Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain. Dr. Stefan T. Siegel, EARLI SIG 4, Organizing Committee.

Higher Education - EARLI 2022

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