
Further Education at the IWP-HSG

The IWP-HSG offers further education programs in the areas of Secondary School II, Higher Education and Vocational Education.

Curiosity always comes first in a problem that wants to be solved (-Galileo Galilei)

We develop further education

Our aim is to design further education programs that contribute to the professionalisation of educational staff. In doing so, we are guided by developments and needs in practice and research. We use scientific findings and our practical experience to develop relevant and well-founded continuing education concepts.

The training courses are implemented in a wide variety of formats: Certificate programs, topic-specific courses, in-house offerings, various forms of network meetings.

The target groups for our further education programmes are:

  • In the area of Secondary School II and Vocational Education, we address school management, teachers with management functions, teachers and authorities.
  • In the area of Higher Education: lecturers and those responsible for programmes and their development.

We offer two CAS programmes (only in german available):

Courses (only few english courses available):

and more offers:

  • Network teaching impulse
  • Customized further training in consultation with the customer

Our range of further education programmes

Further links
